David R. Yeaman is 78 years old and has been President of Four Star Ranch, Inc. since its inception.  Mr. Yeaman has been involved in several real estate development projects in Utah and Idaho and has two active residential projects in Utah and Idaho Falls, Idaho.  Yeaman also developed 1,700 acres of farmland in Dubois, Idaho, during the 1970's. 

Mr. Yeaman is an 2100-hour private pilot with multi-engine and instrument ratings.  He is a certified scuba diver and enjoys golf, tennis, horseback riding and motorcycling.  He is married with nine children (two deceased).

And for the convenience of our pilot friends, Four Star Ranch has its own 3,800 foot landing strip located between the ranch house and Pelican Lake.

David is always available on his cell phone at (801) 707-5120.

Ranch or David Yeaman     fourstar@stratanet.com


HC 69 BOX 220


8662 So.  Hwy 88
Randlett, Utah  84063
Four Star’s unique location near Pelican Lake, the Green River, and the Ouray Migratory Bird Refuge, as well as its production of corn, barley and oats, creates an ideal environment to attract a wide variety of wildlife.  Consequently, the ranch has had a high demand for hunting elk, deer, antelope, geese, ducks and other game animals.  

Four Star Ranch nearly surrounds Pelican Lake, which was recently declared a "world-class fishery" and is considered one of the best fishing spots in the country, producing trophy Bass and Bluegill.   Fishermen, literally from around the world, come to apply their skills in landing these trophy fish.

FERNANDO  is the General Foreman and has worked at Four Star Ranch, Inc. since 2009.  He is an expert equipment operator and has been responsible for constructing oil field locations as well as installing and repairing pivots, irrigation systems, pumping sites and pipelines.  He supervises the cattle herd as well as assists in the general farming operation.

His contact number is:  435-549-9799

ANN is the wife of David and Secretary of the corporation and is actively involved in the day-to-day operation of the farm.  

Her contact number is:  801-541-6585
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JESSE is the Chief Equipment Technician and is responsible for the preparation and servicing of the farm equipment and also operates most of the farm equipment when needed.  He is also a full-time college student.

His contact number is:  435-300-1227